Rana Shami, MSW, RSW

Rana Shami Registered social worker in Waterloo

Rana Shami is a counsellor and Registered Social Worker in good standing with the Ontario College of Social Workers and Social Service Workers (OCSWSSW) and has a Master’s degree in Social Work. Rana received her Bachelor and Master degrees in Social Work from the University of Waterloo. Rana is a member of the Ontario Association of Social Workers (OASW) and the Canadian Association of Marriage and Family Therapy (CAMFT) and is a registered Circle of Security parenting coach (COSP). Rana has extensive experience in Cognitive Behaviour Therapy and has CBT certification from Wilfrid Laurier University.

Rana has over 10 years of experience helping individuals and families navigate the world of parenting, with a special focus on parenting children with special needs and parenting in two cultures. She understands the impact of parenting on a caregiver's mental health, on a couple’s relationship as well as on the impact on dynamics in a family. Rana’s goal is to help clients turn struggles into opportunities and new beginnings by providing culturally sensitive services tailored to client’s unique needs as well as their 
beliefs on parenting and family values.

In her practice, Rana uses a strength-based approach that is trauma informed and attachment informed and applies a variety of strategies including CBT, DBT, ACT, Solution-focused and Mindfulness. Rana prioritizes providing a warm and nurturing environment to help clients grow and flourish while on their journey to wellness. Rana provides counselling services in English and Arabic.

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