Sarah Tremblett, MSW, RSW

Sarah Tremblett social worker from McGill University

Sarah Tremblett is a Registered Social Worker and is in good standing with the Ontario College of Social Workers & Social Service Workers (OCSWSSW) and the Ontario Association of Social Workers (OASW). She holds a Master of Social Work degree from McGill University in addition to a Bachelor of Social Work Degree from Memorial University of Newfoundland. Sarah is also completing her PhD in Social Work at Wilfrid Laurier University. Sarah has experience working with children, adolescents, individuals, and families facing mental health challenges, transitions, and relational challenges.

Sarah is passionate about the importance of working collaboratively with individuals and families to support them in achieving positive mental health outcomes and optimal functioning in their daily lives. Sarah believes in the ability of empathetic, collaborative, and strengths-based counselling to optimize the trajectory for children and adolescents’ growth and development. Sarah draws upon Cognitive Behavioral, Dialectical Behavioral, trauma-informed, and attachment therapies. Sarah believes in the importance of meeting clients where they are at, and utilizes a variety of art, play, and talk-based interventions when working with children and adolescents. Sarah is happy to offer daytime, evening, and occasional weekend appointments.

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